My long time friend was staying in Hamburg for the night after our trip to Belgium and Amsterdam before heading home to southern Germany. After so many amazing bars and beer tasting we decided to have an impromptu Hamburg Canal Beer Tasting Event! I asked my friend if there was any kind of beer or style of beer he hadn't had in awhile that he might want before we took the trip. When he told me porter I knew exactly what I should have cold in the fridge - Fuller's London Porter.
Porters might be the most difficult styles of beer to find in Germany. |
This was the first kind of Fuller's beer I'd ever had and I've been a fan of theirs ever since that fateful day over a year ago. This beer has it all with tastes of roast chocolate, rich robust malts, and biscuit. The description on the bottle of rich, dark, and complex really does this beer justice and it is a ten!
Next up we decided had the St. Peter's India Pale Ale which was a first for all of us.

I had tried their Cream Stout before and really enjoyed it so I was excited to give this IPA and its "New Hoppier Taste" a try. This light golden brown beer had lots of head and hops smells of citrus and grass. It had a slight sour taste followed by some citrus. It was quite good and zesty. I found this beer to be an 8/10.
After two beers from the UK we went with the German Duckstein Weizen Cuvee to round out our tasting which I apparently didn't take a picture of.
Picture taken from the Carlsberg website which you can find here. |
This beer was dark brown with a thick white head. The main smell was wheat with a faint bit of hops. After two delicious beers this one was quickly shown to be of lesser quality. Something was off in the taste. It was weird and I couldn't quite figure out what it was. It tasted mostly like a wheat beer with a little hops. I didn't like this beer and I wouldn't have it again. I think the touting of cuvee and two aromatic hops on the bottle is all about marketing and less to do with actually trying to produce a quality beer. I found it to be a 4/10. The canal by my apartment in Hamburg is really quite lovely and I hope to have some more beer tastings there in the future. Most of my Hamburg outdoor beer pictures on this blog are taken there.
Hi, I'm Colin, I love a good hoppy IPA, but I can find immense enjoyment in a solid session beer, imperial stout, quadrupel or a nostalgic beer from my past.
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