Palate Wrecker is one hell of a name to live up too. I found the very red color of the beer to be pleasant to look at. The smallish white head dissipated quickly and almost made me wonder if it was dieing to escape all of the intense flavor below. The aroma was orange, pine, rose, citrus, tropical fruits, alcohol, and caramel. Although the aroma was complex overall the different smells were fainter than I expected. The beer immediately showcased an intense, full, dry lingering bitterness on the first sip but still managed to be sweet and smooth. It was also lightly carbonated. The flavor was full of tropical fruit, citrus, pine, and cranberry. I couldn't make out what the flavor of the sweet malt was (I'd guess caramel since I smelled it earlier), and I could barely taste the alcohol. This beer was really good and challenging but still fun to drink. It was at least as bitter as any IPA I've ever tried. Once beers get this bitter I find it hard to quantify especially while not having them side by side for comparison. My palate survived but just barely! How did yours fair?
Overall: 10/10
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