Passarola DOS

I wasn't sure what kind of operating system Passarola DOS was running, but I figured it would be tasty. It poured very black with a very small dark tan head that was gone quickly to just a rim and some bubbles in the corner. I could smell chocolate, alcohol and roast in the aroma. The mouthfeel was very smooth and velvety (probably due to the oatmeal in this double oatmeal stout). Chocolate and alcohol were the most prominent flavors but there were some smaller hints of grain too. I'm not used to beer having a prominent alcohol note when it is 8%. I like this beer more as it warmed, but the alcoholic bite was a bit too forward for me to really enjoy this beer.

Overall: 7/10

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About averageguysguidetobeer

Hi, I'm Colin, I love a good hoppy IPA, but I can find immense enjoyment in a solid session beer, imperial stout, quadrupel or a nostalgic beer from my past.


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